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What is the system of a CNC lathe2024-03-14 16:19:35
What is the system of a CNC lathe

The centering machine system is mainly composed of the following parts:

Hardware system: including motor, transmission device, trajectory control system, track, etc. The motor spindle is the core part of the centering machine, and you can choose a stepper motor or a servo motor. The transmission device is to convert the rotational motion of the motor into linear motion. The trajectory control system utilizes programming to achieve rail control and movement.


Software system: including control software and motion planning software. The control software is responsible for translating the instructions into motor drive control signals, while the motion planning software processes the model data of the workpiece to generate the execution path. It also includes hardware devices such as human-machine interfaces, control panels, electronic controllers, and related software components, which together constitute a control system and are responsible for the control and management operation of the equipment.


Control system: including hardware equipment and corresponding software components. Hardware microcomputer host, human-machine interface, etc., while software is mainly responsible for writing programs and driving equipment to complete various complex instruction waiting tasks. The control system includes not only software, but also components of the power supply and sensors, which help to detect the blade position and provide the necessary detection devices.


Inductive system: this can be triggered, e.g. by means of a laser or photoelectric switch to sense the position of the workpiece; It can also be non-triggered, usually sensing using mechanical switches or contacts.


Software system: A software system that combines face recognition, intelligent voice, data analysis and other technologies to provide users with an intelligent and personalized service experience.

The synergy of these components enables the centering machine to precisely machine or cut the workpiece according to a preset trajectory.